Monday, December 20, 2021

E-learning Challenges

Based on my teaching experience ..

Last year was my first experience year in teaching, where it was hybrid - traditional and online. This was effective as much as it was difficult since I experienced both teaching types and knew well the difference between them. Both types have their advantages, disadvantages, and challenges.

Here, I wanna shed the light on the challenges that I have faced during online teaching or e-learning. The challenges can be classified into two types:

i. Psychological Challenges:
These challenges were faced by students, parents, and teachers as well since it was a new experience to all of them. teachers were confused and scared about delivering the information effectively and how much they will succeed in doing that. However, parents and students -  especially kids that are in low grades - were scared because of their deficient knowledge in using  learning platforms, educational keywords, and received links and files. In addition, the lack of eye contact and senses between the teacher and the students weaken the relationship between them.

ii. Academic Challenges:
These are the main challenges that I have faced as a teacher, such as methods of teaching, large-size files, electricity issues (in Lebanon), weak connection issues, cheating cases, and valid assessment tools. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the points you mentioned in the psychological challenges, especially when you mentioned parents, parents really struggled with their children while studying online due to their limited knowledge with technology and such.


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