Monday, December 20, 2021

Bloom's Taxonomy


I. Knowledge: Recognizing and/or remembering previously learned information. Recalling facts, terms, and basic concepts.

Directive Words: Define, label, state, list, match, write, recall, name, underline, repeat,
choose, record, mark, identify, recognize

Example Questions:
  1. Name three sources of Earth’s internal energy. (e.g Geol 3100)
  2. Label the standard peripheral components of a computer. (e.g BIS 1400)
  3. Write the equation for the Ideal Gas Law. (e.g Chem 1010)
II. Comprehension: Demonstrating an understanding of the meaning of facts, terms, and basic concepts.

Directive Words: Describe, rephrase, restate, discuss, explain, express, locate, tell,
indicate, condense, outline, report

Example Questions:
  1. Describe the different climates and give the characteristics of each. (e.g. Geog 1130)
  2. Give an example of positive reinforcement. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  3. State in your own words the meaning of Functionalism. (e.g Soc 1010)
III. Application: Solving problems by applying acquired knowledge, facts, and techniques in a different situation.

Directive Words: Apply, use, demonstrate, illustrate, chart, solve, operate, implement, practice, employ, dramatize, show

Example Questions:
  1. Show how to use shading to produce depth in a drawing. (e.g Art 1110)
  2. Using the principles of operant conditioning, solve the following case study. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  3. If a person has psychogenic shock, demonstrate what you should do with them. (e.g. Biol 2000)

IV. Analysis: Breaking complex ideas or information apart to examine various components.

Directive Words: Distinguish, discriminate, analyze, compare, contrast, diagram,
differentiate, relate, classify, examine, categorize

Example Questions:
  1. Compare and contrast the major assumptions underlying psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches to psychology. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  2. Examine the patriarchal society in terms of lineage and dominance of the sexes. (e.g. Soc 1010)
  3. Analyze an oscillator circuit and determine the frequency of oscillation. (e.g. ECE 2410)

V. Synthesis: Compiling information or combining elements in a different way to form a new
idea, pattern, or creation.

Directive Words: Create, design, plan, organize, generate, develop, propose, assemble,
compose, make, construct, formulate, prepare, invent, adapt, elaborate

Example Questions:
  1. Prepare a logically organized essay in favor of euthanasia. (e.g Eng 2010)
  2. Design an individualized nutrition program for a diabetic patient. (e.g. NFS 1220)
  3. Compose a choral work using four-part harmony for men’s and women’s voices. (e.g. Music 3910)

VI. Evaluation: Making judgments about information based on specific criteria (worth, validity, accuracy, relevance, etc.).

Directive Words: Appraise, critique, judge, weigh, evaluate, select, rate, defend, prioritize,
value, score, measure, assess

Example Questions:
  1. Assess the appropriateness of the author's conclusions based on the evidence given.(e.g. Pol Sci 1100)
  2. Select the best proposal for a new water treatment plant (e.g. LAEP 2720)
  3. Critique the selected work of art using appropriate terminology. (e.g. Art 2720

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