Monday, December 20, 2021

What Do You Think Students Should Be Taught When Working Online To Avoid Problems?

When switching from traditional learning to e-learning, teachers and school usually think about time management and effective planning to cover up material as much as they can. Even though this is more important academically, introducing students to the policies, making them feel safe, and building a good student-teacher relationship are essential pre-requisites.

1- Clear School Policies:

Online school policies should be delivered and to taught to students in an easy, clear, and simple language and repeatedly. Schools shouldn't be strict to a certain limit regarding number of tablets, laptops, or mobile phones, connection and electricity issues, and prompt responses from students. This means schools should take into consideration the economical, social, and educational circumstances of every students.

2 - Feeling Safe:

It's very important for students to feel safe in their learning environment. E-learning experience is new for most of them; thus, they will face technological problems. Teachers should understand all these problem and take into consideration their late or failed submissions and class joining, so the students can feel safe and not scared about any technical mistake.

3- Good Student-Teacher Relationship:

Teachers should build a good e-relationship with her/his students through teaching them ethics and sending them love. Students should feel that the teachers wanna teach them because she likes them not because she has to teach them. Hence, students should learn how to deal with their teachers and classmates before learning academic material. 

To sum up, students must learn morals and policies in a lovely way in order to learn effectively in the academic side.

E-learning Challenges

Based on my teaching experience ..

Last year was my first experience year in teaching, where it was hybrid - traditional and online. This was effective as much as it was difficult since I experienced both teaching types and knew well the difference between them. Both types have their advantages, disadvantages, and challenges.

Here, I wanna shed the light on the challenges that I have faced during online teaching or e-learning. The challenges can be classified into two types:

i. Psychological Challenges:
These challenges were faced by students, parents, and teachers as well since it was a new experience to all of them. teachers were confused and scared about delivering the information effectively and how much they will succeed in doing that. However, parents and students -  especially kids that are in low grades - were scared because of their deficient knowledge in using  learning platforms, educational keywords, and received links and files. In addition, the lack of eye contact and senses between the teacher and the students weaken the relationship between them.

ii. Academic Challenges:
These are the main challenges that I have faced as a teacher, such as methods of teaching, large-size files, electricity issues (in Lebanon), weak connection issues, cheating cases, and valid assessment tools. 

Integrating Technology Into Teaching

Traditional teaching was effective over the past years; however, the technological revolution led to new teaching methods, strategies, and techniques, which is called "Educational Technology". Integrating technology in teaching enhances the students' learning and facilitate their intellectual capacity, productivity, and performance. 

Benefits Of Integrating Technology In Education: 

💢 Easier due to the diverse possible methods for different learning styles

💢 Tracking students performance at any instant 

💢 Increase in students' engagement due to the use of iPads and mobile phones

💢 Accessibility of information at anytime

💢 Reachable for absent students

Assessment Tools

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.
Image result for microsoft word logo
 Creating documents such as:
  1. Letters
  2. Brochures
  3. Learning activities
  4. Tests
  5. Quizzes
  6. Students' homework assignments
Available practically everywhere (PC, phones,..etc)

Google Forms 

Google Forms is a tool that allows collecting information from users via a personalized survey or quiz.
Related image

  1. Create customer feedback surveys, job applications, quizzes, order forms, and time off requests.
  2. Collect contact information and integrate it with a Google Sheet.
  1. Free 
  2. Online 
  3. Fast
  4. Easy to use

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an easy way to gather live responses in any venue: conferences, presentations, classrooms, etc 

    Image result for poll everywhere logo
  1. Poll Everywhere could be used for in class questions, such as a quick check for understanding, rather than having students raise hands or shout out answers.
  2. Poll Everywhere can be used for formative assessment to guide a lecture instead of paper and pencil assessment.
  1. To improve a presenter's understanding of students' knowledge.
  2. To promote levels of interaction and engagement.
  3. To allow students to participate or contribute to a session.
  4. To gain feedback systematically from a large audience.


Quizlet is a mobile and web-based study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games. 


  1.  Help students (and teachers) practice and master what they're learning

  1. Differentiate review for students
  2. Incorporate collaboration and teamwork into classes
  3. Prepare for tests in a different way


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools and other educational institutions.

  1. Make learning fun and inclusive in all contexts for all ages. 
  2. Create multiple choice games related to class content that students can play as a class by entering the game code on their app or device.
  1. Flexibility 
  2. Students' engagement 
  3. Simple

How To Be A Digital Citizen?

With the exponential jump of the use of technology, a person must be a good digital citizen. One can be a toxic digital citizen as sites and accounts hackers. But being a good digital citizen means that you're a person who is knowledgeable and skilled to use the technology effectively. 

Here's the to-do-list to be a good digital citizen:

1 👉 Be positive

👉 Follow the golden rule (no extremes)
👉 Be nice and encourageable
👉 Avoid inappropriate content
👉 Don't trust strangers
👉 Don't steal 

Be a good digital citizen and teach your kids to be good ones as well.

A year changes you a lot ..

What Can I Do Now That I Was Not Able To Do A Year Ago?

When I go back in time to December 2020 - a year ago - when I was preparing myself for a new year with a new beginning, I remember how shallow my goals and thoughts were. I was a shallow person who sees things from different perspectives, as teaching, reaching goals, and planning. 

To start with teaching, planning on a piece of paper is totally different from implementing the plan in reality. Last year, I wasn't ready and able to enter a class and manage it; however, now, and confidently, I can do it and I did it actually.

Last year, I thought that you can reach goals with time, I wasn't knowledgeable enough to know the value of time. Now, I know how much worthy our time is, so  plan every single step to reach my goals. 

Bloom's Taxonomy


I. Knowledge: Recognizing and/or remembering previously learned information. Recalling facts, terms, and basic concepts.

Directive Words: Define, label, state, list, match, write, recall, name, underline, repeat,
choose, record, mark, identify, recognize

Example Questions:
  1. Name three sources of Earth’s internal energy. (e.g Geol 3100)
  2. Label the standard peripheral components of a computer. (e.g BIS 1400)
  3. Write the equation for the Ideal Gas Law. (e.g Chem 1010)
II. Comprehension: Demonstrating an understanding of the meaning of facts, terms, and basic concepts.

Directive Words: Describe, rephrase, restate, discuss, explain, express, locate, tell,
indicate, condense, outline, report

Example Questions:
  1. Describe the different climates and give the characteristics of each. (e.g. Geog 1130)
  2. Give an example of positive reinforcement. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  3. State in your own words the meaning of Functionalism. (e.g Soc 1010)
III. Application: Solving problems by applying acquired knowledge, facts, and techniques in a different situation.

Directive Words: Apply, use, demonstrate, illustrate, chart, solve, operate, implement, practice, employ, dramatize, show

Example Questions:
  1. Show how to use shading to produce depth in a drawing. (e.g Art 1110)
  2. Using the principles of operant conditioning, solve the following case study. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  3. If a person has psychogenic shock, demonstrate what you should do with them. (e.g. Biol 2000)

IV. Analysis: Breaking complex ideas or information apart to examine various components.

Directive Words: Distinguish, discriminate, analyze, compare, contrast, diagram,
differentiate, relate, classify, examine, categorize

Example Questions:
  1. Compare and contrast the major assumptions underlying psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches to psychology. (e.g. Psych 1010)
  2. Examine the patriarchal society in terms of lineage and dominance of the sexes. (e.g. Soc 1010)
  3. Analyze an oscillator circuit and determine the frequency of oscillation. (e.g. ECE 2410)

V. Synthesis: Compiling information or combining elements in a different way to form a new
idea, pattern, or creation.

Directive Words: Create, design, plan, organize, generate, develop, propose, assemble,
compose, make, construct, formulate, prepare, invent, adapt, elaborate

Example Questions:
  1. Prepare a logically organized essay in favor of euthanasia. (e.g Eng 2010)
  2. Design an individualized nutrition program for a diabetic patient. (e.g. NFS 1220)
  3. Compose a choral work using four-part harmony for men’s and women’s voices. (e.g. Music 3910)

VI. Evaluation: Making judgments about information based on specific criteria (worth, validity, accuracy, relevance, etc.).

Directive Words: Appraise, critique, judge, weigh, evaluate, select, rate, defend, prioritize,
value, score, measure, assess

Example Questions:
  1. Assess the appropriateness of the author's conclusions based on the evidence given.(e.g. Pol Sci 1100)
  2. Select the best proposal for a new water treatment plant (e.g. LAEP 2720)
  3. Critique the selected work of art using appropriate terminology. (e.g. Art 2720

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Reflection on EDUC561 Course

Educational Media and Technology course- EDUC561- is a pragmatic course that allows students to practice the material taught by themselves, with the guide of our professional doctor, Dr. Amal Farhat. It's like magic; you enter as a students but you exit as a professional teacher. I think this course is the most important one among all the courses because it's a-must in these situations. It's important to learn how to teach our students effectively whether it's synchronous or asynchronous. Hopefully, with dr. Amal's effort and ours, we'll reach all our learning objectives and goals.

What Do You Think Students Should Be Taught When Working Online To Avoid Problems?

When switching from traditional learning to e-learning, teachers and school usually think about time management and effective planning to co...